♡ · 10d

that gumz thread ☹️
made me think of how ynbn are very touchy feely with kvi and how it made me think of a kvi centric love making where they're overloading his senses, because he's both bottoming and topping. ynbn are being sooooo affectionate n attentive to him, and would always whisper sweet words to him, making him cry n black out on times .

and the aftercare, omg ☹️ sbn's maybe the one bottoming, but he still provide kvi with everything along w yj ☹️ and then they cuddle w kvi in the middle ofc ofc

ANON :((( are you trying to make me cry what the hell 😭😭 my baby kvi deserves the most spoiling from his hyungs :(( always working so hard and being the brightest, loveliest, most darling boy there could be. i'm in love with the idea of kvi being worshipped by his members :(( yjn wld definitely lean into body worship, praising kvi to tears 😞 telling him how pretty his body is, how pretty his face is, kissing every inch of his back and biting at his thighs, taking his sweet time eating kvi out, to the point their baby comes untouched. and sbn is all up in kvi's ears praising him for how well he's taking yjn, what a good boy kvi is, and how much he loves him :( that moment where sbn said "you're so pretty i could die" to kvi... ugh sbn would be so loving to his gum 😭 and every time he blacks out due to pleasure, both hyungs are so worried, cupping his cheeks softly and always checking in on him, asking if he wants to stop now and they can just focus on cleaning him up and massaging him so he's not sore <///3 but kvi shakes his head, he wants to be good for his yjn and sbn hyung who both haven't come yet and ofc they deflect and say they don't need to because this night is all about spoiling and loving on kvi. but kvi still wants more, so he begs them to keep going until all of them come and make a mess of themselves. they're all so sleepy and sated after but the sex was only one half of ynbn's night dedicated to spoiling kvi. they go even harder with the aftercare, drawing a bath for his sore legs and yjn sits on the side, taking each of kvi's feet into his hands and massaging them, leaving sweet kisses on his toes to make him laugh occasionally. sbn sits in the bath behind kvi gently fingering out yjn's cum and making sure kvi's all clean inside. if sbn brings kvi to orgasm while he's at it... well it's just a happy coincidence, right? they kiss kvi so much that his lips are swollen and red and towel him dry when he gets out the bath. yjn blowdries his hair and sbn helps him get dressed again and they take turns feeding him fruit once they're cuddling in bed. kvi starts crying several times out of pure love and relief, he just feels so safe with ynbn and each time his tears are met with gentle fingers wiping them away and kisses on his forehead and cheeks. my baby kvi is so loved by his hyungs ☹️💔

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