♡ · 10d

kinda need my gorgeous but incredibly shamefully dorky duo h33jin n yj to interact for a considerable period of time so they'd also be close during that time, like pleek. also need yv3s yj to exchange closets like my god.

-🌕 (sorry for not leaving this sooner btw)

oh my god you do Not need to apologize for not leaving an emoji 😭 i only asked bc i wanted to remember which one of my anons were talking to me!! yall all have different typing styles and sometimes i recognize it when yall come back more than once which is why i wanted to be able to tell yall apart!!

anyways i TOTALLY agree with you on hjn and yjn LOLLL they're both so so so pretty but they wld go so well together bc they're so cute and dorky <3 and YES i need to see yjn in yv3s's clothes SO bad. like the microskirts over the flared jeans??? that is SOOOO yjn. he would look so good in the acubi style tie up shirts too UGH i rlly need femme junnie back <///3

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