♡ · 8d

have u done any of xtx's full dance before? and if so who do you cover? bc for me, i love doing kai's dbtw so much. and i couldn't quite nail the craze face in frost nor the grunge and just the nastiness (/pos) of it, but i also love his part in there! also bonus, love birth heejin's choreo 😣, and frost n birth is siblings sorta kinda! also love kai's gyrating hips in deja vu it's hypnotizing!!!!!!! im glad yj also acknowledged that in the behind nods nods


i have not done a full xtx choreo before!! i've covered a LOT of xtx songs and honestly it depends on what parts i cover when i decide on a member to follow. i don't do feel like i stick to a certain member in particular? maybe i do bmg a lot but it's not like an i'm always following bmg thing!!

hyvka and bmg are such fantastic performers it's literally awe inspiring to watch them. i've been OBSESSED with dbtw bmkvi since i became a m0a!! their styling and facials are just TOP TIER. also i haven't seen the birth choreo but i rlly love the styling and religious guilt vibes they put into that song. the signing of the cross is such a power move LOLL actually thinking abt it dbtw has so many similarities to birth 🤔🤔

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