β™‘ Β· 6d

omg cuck!yj crying in agony as he watch his husband tyn getting fucked so good in front of him by yj's childhood bsf bmg :(
the heavy guilt tyn feels adding up to the pleasure whenever bmg would fuck him slow, nipping at every part of his body, laughing at yj begging for bmg to "please, stop!" but bmg pretends yj wasn't even there while simultaneously provoking him. yj could only chant "stop" tirelessly while tears continues to stream down his face while his hands are restrained to their bedpost with a cuff :(

saw tyn looking at yj adoringly and i just had to make it angsty where that same person is the one who's going to also hurt u the most in an unexpected ways giggles giggles


πŸŒ• anon.. this is fucking EVIL OH GOD. DID YOU INTEND ON HURTING ME TOO CAUSE YOU SUCCEEDED 😭😭😭 like what if tejun were going thru a rough patch with their love/sex life and they decide to ask gyv to help them with a scene to spice it up a bit. and ofc yjn volunteers to be cucked bc he just wants his baby (tyn) to feel good. bmg is so sweet and promises to take care of tyn for yjn and the day comes and they all get set up and everything is going smoothly! bmg is sweet and a little rough with tyn with the foreplay and they're all having a good time, yjn is painfully hard and tyn is obviously enjoying it. but then bmg slips into a more dommy headspace and starts whispering things to tyn that normally wld be fine with yjn, since yjn is very secure in their relationship. but this time, hearing tyn cry out in pleasure while bmg teases yjn about how good his cock makes their baby feel pushed yjn over the edge. he feels so dizzy and conflicted, on one hand, he's so turned on from watching bmg rail tyn into the bed but on the other hand, he can't help but feel that he's not good enough, thinking that bmg would be so much better of a partner to tyn than him. so at first, when the two of them hear yjn begging from the sidelines, they don't think much of it. it's a roleplay and they agreed on this kind of dirty talk. but then tyn looks up and sees how devastated yjn looks, tears streaming down his face and not in the pleasurable way like when they've done cuck scenes before. so tyn immediately calls yellow and bmg stops ofc, checking up on tyn. tyn shakes his head and points towards yjn, who's all curled up against the chair, trying to wipe his tears with his cuffed hand. bmg realizes something is Very off with the eldest and pulls out of tyn, making him wince, and goes over to uncuff yjn and wrap him in a hug :( he scoops yjn up in his arms and brings him back over to his baby, setting him down on the bed gently. tyn sits up and kisses yjn softly, asking him what went wrong. even though bmg isn't (officially) part of their relationship (yet), they don't leave him out of the conversation. yjn tearfully and quietly explains how he felt this time and bmg is super attentive asking yjn what exactly he said that made it all worse and apologizing for it. tyn seals everything with a kiss and a long hug which brings his focus back to yjn's leaking hard cock. ofc tegyu insist on moving to aftercare and just trying to cool down from the scene but yjn begs for some attention and love from the two do them. and who are they to refuse him? so to make it up to yjn, tyn rides him until yjn is crying overwhelmed tears while bmg sucks hickeys into yjn's neck, whispering sweet nothings to him about how good tyn looks riding him and how good he's making tyn feel. how much tyn needs his hyung and how well he provides for and satisfies tyn. how no one else can do better than yjn. when yjn finally comes, bmg wraps him up in tyn's arms and gets an extra nice bath going for them <3 the aftercare session is especially sweet and long and loving this time πŸ₯ΉπŸ˜ž my sweet boys πŸ’”

and since you wanted to dump the angstiest prompt i've ever received in my rs, how about i add some more poly angst where bmg feels sad and left out bc he doesn't think he cld ever have something like tejun's relationship, nevermind be included with them πŸ’”

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