♡ · 5d

the way it hurted to read your hurt/comfort drabble more than my hurt/no comfort ☹️
I'm so weak for vulnerability paired with comfort, it's like my kryptonite!! how do you know what'll break me when h/nc can't 😔


AHHH hi 🌕 anon!! did you mean the farewell neverland inspired sbn/ot4 fic snippet i posted 🥹 yea... sbn goes through it in this fic... his life is Not Easy. luckily he will find himself 4 boyfriends who love him very much and want him to heal! if you meant the feral omegas tbn, they will go through some more turmoil and make up ofc, they love each other so much. i'm just a sucker for happy endings and seeing my babies get what they deserve (happiness, peace, love, and everything in between)! and i wldn't say your h/nc hurts any less bc that prompt you sent me hurt SO much... ig both of us have our own edge LOLLL

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