♡ · 4d

bp/fem!member with a double ended dildo strap [nosebleeds]

FUCK THIS IS SO TYN WITH SUKAI LIKE. UGHHHHHH i've been loving myself a sprinkle of top tyn with bttm sbn and even kvi... like every once in awhile he'll switch it up!! but he loves being filled and pleasured so much so double ended dildo strap it is 🥹🥹 just love the idea of tyn wanting to make sbn/kvi come untouched and then his bttm giving sweet sweet attention to his clit until he squirts/cums all over his strap UGHHHHH. and tyn wld be leaking so fucking hard the entire time, watching the strap thrust in and out of sbn/kvi while being filled at the same time... he'd hold off his orgasm but it wld be SO HARD for him... sbn wld totally tease him for getting all worked up and desperate but tyn is DETERMINED to make sbn cum first. UGHHHHHHHH. and what if it was bp!sbn. FUCK. fem tebin is the best fr. i think this wld also be applicable to yjn, like yjn wld be so cute all filled up and trying to please power bttms sukai!!

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