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little lost dream · 4mo

Where do you get your ideas for edits?

Hello! They tend to just...pop up unexpectedly? I'm someone who's very affected by music and I love analyzing lyrics and such, so when I'm idly listening to my playlist, sometimes the lightbulb will just go off! Usually its a lyric/section of lyrics that reminds me of a player/scene/relationship and then I get the urge to recreate that.

The Two Birds on a Wire was due to me finding low's post, but that's kind of an exception? I also used to watch AMVs all the time as a kid and I still look up edits people do of my various fandoms, so I'm definitely at least unconsciously influenced by those too. I know there are at least two (Keria's edit and one of Gumayusi's) that were because they were fast paced trend edits that were catchy so I used them because I was bored and I like making snappy transitions.

As for making the edits themselves; like I said, I used to watch AMVs (and animatics/animation memes) all the time and dream up my own so usually what happens is that I'll hear a song or a clip and start daydreaming. Editing is then just trying my best to recreate what I imagine in my head. Anyway, thank you for the ask and I hope you have a good day <3

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