Anon · 1mo

I have a suggestive scene involving a scene with two characters in my planned fan fiction. It has breast touching parts in one scene but nothing else that's too NSFW.
I submitted the submission before I knew the guidelines. Is that okay or is that too excessive?
I want to make sure if I am chosen I don't go overboard with that scene & I am open to suggestions to change it if I am chosen for a writer position.
The reading level is PG-13 so that's not an issue it's just this one scene.

Intimacy of that nature is fine for samples, and your application will be judged in good faith as you didn't know the rating guidelines before applying. For fics you'll be writing in the zine itself upon acceptance, we're looking for the same level of canon-typical content, so allusions to NSFW are accepted so long as they're kept tame on a case-by-case basis. Feedback will be given throughout the creation process, so no need to worry; if it veers too close for comfort, mods will nudge you back on course.

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