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Miia · 7mo

HI cant remember if Ive asked this before but what games would you want to show Eichi the most or introduce them to. Are there any certified Kite games

OMG OMG OMG IVE THOUGHT ABOUT THIS BEFORE definitely games like stardew and pokemon and animal crossing... i do think hed like ones like little kitty big city too. hes really busy and he cant really play really long games or games that require a lot of time and attention but he does like to watch me play instead. eichi occasional and normal routine before he gets ready for bed hanging out in her dorm and holding her while she plays horror games

ive said it before and ill say it again animal crossing can be a kite game he would absolutely love it. no big stress just running around and visiting my town so i can give him things and make him run into pitfalls

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