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windclan warrior · 1mo

can i bully you

windclan warrior · 1mo

can yuzuru and I come on a double date w Kite (Very Important) -Miia

windclan warrior · 1mo

kit kissy kite kiss

windclan warrior · 1mo

kite kiss smooch smooch smooch smooch kiss sfx smooch smooch train whistle

꒰ ⠀ 𝓣  ⪩⪨ · 1mo

fine hc? :3c

windclan warrior · 2mo

as his mom what are your favorite tori stories? i wanna get to know him more bc he’s too cute to be this awfully mischaracterized by ppl who clearly know nothing about him
- sol 🫶

I HAVENT READ MANY TORI STORIES YET SADLY i do like his fs1 4* story a lot i think thats a must read.... also triumph of the emperor is very very important to me. dreaming ocean for as much as i love a tori center is not worth your time the only good part is wataru and tori bonding... also the branco story. Obviously <- girl who loves branco

windclan warrior · 2mo

fave eichi story(s)?

HIII OK this is gonna be a whole list sorryies im insane about him
!! era:
2. primavera & tempest
3. ring
4. a gift to spring breeze
5. red hot island
6. altered

!! era idol stories:
1. afternoon in the garden
2. the one with mao and aira where he fakes his death for sillies
3. compass of the heavens & an intangible treasure

! era:
1. jingle bells & ep:link
2. circus & mall live & tea party & wanted
3. angels
4. almost every other one id be here all day

! era sub stories:
1. afternoon royaltea
2. emperor assassination
3. his 3 regular sub stories

windclan warrior · 2mo

have you ever found eichi's secret shrine? the one he keeps of all the trinkets you've given him over the years - even things he's meant to use, but can't dare do so in case it gets ruined or break

HIS WHAT! FUCKED UP AND INSANE even if i found it i wouldnt say anything id be so embarrassed but id also probably ask him why he hasnt used something/buy him another one "just in case you lost it!" just to pick on him a little

Conan · 2mo

{ethan} - viviannn whats ur fav eichi mv outfit ??

OH GOODNESS umm i really like the paid sweater one i like seeing him in cute clothes it should happen more. its hard to choose though... his fs2 has colors i dont think Really fit him and also its kind of boring but its an eichi outfit so i still like it. i guess id have to say umm either trip/dreaming ocean/ghostic treat house but i really reaally hope theyll add jingle bell outfits from ! era into the paid outfits

windclan warrior · 6mo

barks at you (hi) - miia

windclan warrior · 6mo

hiiii bites you -eclipse (can’t be bothered to make an account)

windclan warrior · 6mo

i need to make a retro spring ngl - faye ♡

windclan warrior · 6mo

eichi is behind you

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