𝗝𝘂𝘀𝘁⠀ 𝖺⠀ 𝗳𝗮𝗻⠀ · 4mo

Macalo i think you should give up on your dream of becoming a child therapist , at least until you get your sexual trauma and kinks under control

I promise you that doesn’t affect the way I interact with children; if it did, my therapist would not allow me to be a babysitter. Childcare is my passion because of my trauma. I want to keep others safe from it, even if it may not seem that way. My therapist has said that because of what I went through, I will be even better at helping future generations of teenagers dealing with the exact issues I am, she can’t personally understand me as she didn’t go through (CO)CSA like I did, and she believes that my experiences & being able to relate to such would be helpful to my future patients. But of course, it’s a long time ‘til college for me. I’ll be better by then.

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