𝗝𝘂𝘀𝘁⠀ 𝖺⠀ 𝗳𝗮𝗻⠀ · 4mo

hi, just to inform you: if reona gets in legal trouble for sharing those images, you will too.
you're still in possession and guilty of distribution of illegal material even if it is your own body. it's not hard to confirm this if you look into it

I’m well aware of that, hence I have no intention of making it a legal issue. Even if she did, I’m already aware that both of us would go away with nothing on records. I’m aware of this because of what happened with my ex back in January of 2023. Even then, we live in completely different jurisdictions (America & Canada, not to mention our state/province laws on the matter). I simply want everyone to be aware of this as I really am terrified of where that picture of me could have ended up, due to her sharing it willy—nilly enough to get banned ONE day after the report.

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