𝗝𝘂𝘀𝘁⠀ 𝖺⠀ 𝗳𝗮𝗻⠀ · 3mo

I said I wouldn't post anything more but I would not like to be confused with this person. First of all, disgusting individual. Secondly, as I've mentioned, as soon as I left many would jump at the opportunity to impersonate me / create fake pages as a way to discredit my future growth ... I am not one to share these things publicly -- contrary to what one might think. I mentioned it in my statement rentry, but I only ever discussed it with friends / in private spaces such as a locked Twitter. I shouldn't have in general, but you get the idea. Another way to distinguish this is the fact they like DDLG -- that would only bring up traumatic memories for me, as the very reason I had an obsession with having power is due to others taking advantage of me in that way, and I don't like being referred to with masculine familial terms so it's not a matter of still being in a position of power ... It can be completely disregarded as I can't see & don't have any means to upload images nor edit. I can only see Rentry & Retrospring, and Carrd so long as it isn't a special url (I can't see pro urls such as uwu.ai, ju.mp, or even crd.co). There was a brief time I could upload images, but that was last possible ~March 12th IIRC ... I do not own any of my names (Unless they're canon names -- I.E. I own .co/zhebelev) as URLs either. I no longer edit that way, and even my Hierarchy's name has changed. We still respond to The Angels' Hierarchy & we'll likely keep it in the future (Though we may not, we're conflicted on it), but it's no longer our main name ... We won't be posting the new one for privacy & to avoid impersonation.

Point is: Not mine, and I can't really rentry-make & haven't been able to since March 12th.

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