𝗝𝘂𝘀𝘁⠀ 𝖺⠀ 𝗳𝗮𝗻⠀ · 3mo

Can u give me back text.is/kokoa back bruhhhh, like dm the code or something

I decided to also answer this one ... I unfortunately cannot access text.is (Tried rentry.net for good measure too), so I'm afraid I cannot at the moment ... Even if I could I don't know where I could contact you. I didn't really want to answer this because I know others would try to impersonate you & send me their contact info for when I can give it back, but I'll simply ask " what was the original edit code " when that time comes. In short: I plan on returning it, I simply have no means to at the moment.

I might as well add, for anyone watching my account, I am giving away URLs (Most found on .co/powhammer - some already taken / given away though, so check), simply contact me off-anon, and be aware it may take me days to get back to you on it as I don't check this place / use the internet in general too often at the moment. There are some I won't give away & some unlisted, but I am trying to cut down on this size.

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