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Brave Anonymous · 3d

not related to anything current,but how were you so good at making npts back then ?if you don't mind us asking ofc !feel free to ignore ( ´△`)

The same reason I’m good at making names now! Teasing, but … I suppose it comes somewhat naturally?

It’s easiest for me to think of a name as poem; all the elements must go together to form the message I wish it to … Logolepsy & a general interest in etymology helps with that too, of course! If you want to make names you like, I recommend finding names you’re already fond of and combining them. I.E. I like the names Arabelle & Elizabeth ー〜> I can create Arabeth, Elizara, Eliba. ^^ Keep in mind why you like the sounds of the names too, and eventually you’ll be able to find words you can frankenstein that’ll sound good with original meanings you like!

For titles & pronouns, I use a similar logic … I don’t like pronouns that are just … kitty/kittys (on myself) for example, because I find them boring and predictable. That’s why I often take the first aspect of the word to use as the ‘he’ & ‘him’ in the pronoun ー〜> ki/kit/kitty (he/him/his). ^.~
Titles are whatever sounds coolest, of course! Think of yourself in a phantastical light!

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