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Brave Anonymous · 21h

hello ameyalli, i hope this isnt a bad question. i remember back then you were sharing recovery tips, how did you face and dealt with your bad attitudes? (when you said you were manipulative, two-faced, etc) i think i could use some advice

A lot of it comes to down understanding what you want from others and learning you can’t control them.

For me, whenever I face feelings of disappointment, I try to write down what caused it ー if the cause of disappointment is because someone did something I did not expect or mentally “approve” of them to do, I write down affirmations reminding me that everyone is their own person & I do not need to be in control of everyone to have a happy life.

Recently I’ve been deconstructing these things with my boyfriend particularly because I went through something that’s been leaving me bitter & helpless recently. It’s really helpful to have a genuine support system …

One thing I’ve learned is that we, as beings with egos, will always be inherently manipulative & selfish. What matters is minimizing the damage dealt by our feelings & reacting to them appropriately. “You can’t control how you feel, but you can control how you react” ー very important lesson!

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