Vivi · 5 answers · 2y

If you know it, what’s your ocs’ mbti type?

The only one I currently know is J - he's INFJ-T! He's altruistic, good at reading people, and passionate about his interests, but is also very sensitive to other's opinions of him and overworks himself easily.
(also sorry i just noticed these questions from months ago djhfshjdfh, brain not working)

Ruth is idealistic and principled and cares about making a difference in the world, she's rarely satisfied unless she believes that she's done all she can to do the right thing. She's conscientious to the core, and tries her best to not to lose sight of what truly matters to her.

Kingston INTJ
(I could elaborate on this but we'd be here all day)


Elio's definitely ESFJ since Elio tends to put the needs of his family and friends over others, while maintaining a healthy balance in his life - especially in terms of his idealism and pragmatism. He's also a people-pleaser, but it was somewhat more extreme in his younger years due to the familial values his older brother unconsciously imprinted onto him at a young age, when he was emotionally-stunted. Furthermore, despite his laidback, easy-going, and somewhat playful nature, he's generally active and dedicated to his work.

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