Anon · 1mo

The thing about doing Ichika is that, who would be the third 4*? If it's Emu + Ichika, it cannot be a L/n or WxS VS, obviously (lol), and I feel like if it was a MMJ char, we'd overdose on MMJ (Airi could be fine but still, way too much MMJ lately). And assuming Akitoya is FES, so no VBS either, and no Rui or Tsukasa:
If it were Kanade, it'd mean Kanade+Ichika lims together yet again (for the third time in less than a year, and a fourth since VD Ichika lmao). Ena should be fine though.
That's why I'm thinking either Saki or Honami for the L/n char.

Oh and something I forgot to mention: since Mafuyu can't be shop in her own event, and she'd have the least shop rewards because Kanade's likely shop in it, I was thinking she could be in Emu's mixed, so Kanade as a 4* does make sense (imo)

Also, for the VS WL thing: since Rui has a good chance to be in the banner (otherwise he'd probably have to wait until past Anni to get another lim, and that's way too long imo), I was thinking of Shizuku + Rui + MMJ Len/KAITO? Or Rui + Mizuki + Niigo VS, maybe
Unsure what VBS char could be in there if it's Akitoya FES the previous month, though. But if it's not Akitoya FES, then Rui + Akito + VBS Rin would be fine?

(sorry i accidentally wrote a lot!!)

never worry about writing a lot anon! i'm always curious to see your thoughts. plus it's fun to bounce back

ahh, it's true about ichika... yeah VS are obviously hard banned if that's the case. for some reason this mixed just feels so impossible to predict to me unlike previous mixed events... i'm in agreement with mafuyu shop, though. i think her being behind + having an association with emu really boosts it. just gotta figure out the other 3 members on the lineup (lol). i guess saki+kanade works but i really dunno if we'll do another emusaki and NOT have it be the class event...? or maybe it's just. the class event + kanamafu..??? but shiho would likely be 3* there too and 2 mixed event shiho 3*s in a row would be a bit odd... i dunno. i'm overthinking this probably. i think i might just let colopale surprise me

also true about rui. he does need a lim.. i always forget about that. that's something to factor in as well. what if it's an emurui mixed with (leoni member) + mafuyu shop and uhh. god knows what else for the final one? would give us 3boys on fes (their absolute favorite)

yeah having 3 units behind on uscorer makes this a lot less obvious to me. maybe not vbs rin... niigo/mmj seem more feasible. sorry if i feel a bit less clear. i'm honestly pretty stumped compared to usual

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