Anon · 1mo

To be fair, Minori got two mixed 3* in a row (WD and 3.5 anni), so Shiho should have no issue

However, now that you mention the class event thing... not sure what exactly they'd cook up to have Emu's class and Kanamafu especifically to interact. Perhaps it's actually just Emusaki + Kanamafu, something like, "emu and saki found [location of choice] but shiho dgaf (or maybe she does. and she's actually one of the event cards) and emu decides to invite mafuyu because she has been looking gloomy after [mafuyu5] :( and somehow kanade's there" and we finally get a mafuemu ev-

Anyways...! Not really feeling Emu + Rui because we already got the Rui + Tsukasa mixed last year, in the very same month. Would be odd to do the double WxS lims mixed thing in the same month again, imo

So, for now, I'm predicting 4* Emu, Saki, Kanade, with shop Mafuyu + Shiho (or MEIKO, maybe. she hasnt had many shop cards lately and i think has less than everyone else)

Oh! You're right... I forgot about that haha.

Well, Emu is associated with Mafuyu, and Mafuyu is associated with Kanade... I just don't really think we're going to have a... 6th? Emusaki mix that ISNT their class mix, so I think Shiho will pretty easily take the 3* slot if this happens.

Also true, you're right, same slot for same unit having it, so it would be pretty strange. Meiko shop isn't necessary imo bc, while she technically has less than the other VS--she'll be above average after that when a non insignificant amount of characters are kinda behind.

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