Anon · 1mo

Hey. Back to torment you a bit more with my predictions. I was considering the possibility of Kanaena FES once again, and here's what I've got:
(Assuming Emu mixed + unit pairs FES, as usual)

If they did Kanaena FES, the lineup would have to be like... Emu + Saki + Toya? But that'd mean repeating 4/6 of the Sanrio banner chars, which may be too much Although, I also started thinking about my first prediction (Emu, Saki, Kanade + Akitoya FES), and while it repeats 3/6 of the Sanrio banner chars, I think that part's fine. The bigger issue it has is that four of those characters had lims in the last three months (or all of them if you count in the last four months), which may be too much

So I started thinking about other possibilities with Kanaena FES, and here's what I've got:
FES Kanaena, with Emu + Honami + Airi (or Shizuku?) banner. Feels like a much less outrageous banner (to me lol, besides MMJ getting another lim. let them rest a bit please?), and it fits pretty well
-Kanade and Ena can get 4* cards before they go way too long without one, and Honami lim explains why L/n WL is in late July
Don't see anything immediately wrong with the banner

Also by doing this, they can do Rui + Akito + VBS Rin at the end of July... And Miku+Len FES for anni??

Hi hi!

I agree with you on 3/6 being viable but 4/6 not being viable. I think it makes sense... Honami I think is the most viable for Leoni on the banner. I think your spec is sensible enough and I would agree with Airi over Shizuku. My one worry is that I'm not sure about how they're going to handle VS lims. The characters at 5 lims rn are Honami, Rui, Mafuyu, the Kagamines, and Kaimei.

Assuming they aim to get +1 for the units behind on uscorers, I think VBS just kinda has to be Rin (I'm not sure about a random Miku and no way are we getting another Luka). Meiko can be Niigo, and Len/Kaito can be MMJ. I think they can stuff the last one with Miku on Anni (probably one of the guys--realistically, Len I'd wager)
Well, the thing is, only 2 more uscorers can be released before anni3 too... because VS WL is upcoming, it prevents anything from happening at the end of August lim set. VBS Rin is also one of the VS missing a design, too, so I think yeah, it makes sense she'd be on the lim set right after Leoni WL

I guess I'm just not sure about SummerFES being a 3OC lim set because we're already guaranteed another one of those before anni while VS lims are behind and uscorer counts are weird, but if it's Emu+Leoni it kinda has to be... it's confusing me, lol.

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