Anon · 1mo

I personally think there maaaay not be a lim event at the end of August. VS WL has 6 characters, compared to every other unit's 4, so if they want to be fair to them and have all of them be 3 days each, the event would have to last 18 days (However, idk if people would like having the same event for nearly 3 weeks lmao)
I imagine they'll announce the VS WL schedule and dates next stream tho so we may know the answer before the next lim banner

Either way, I think the VS are fine, if they do something like:
-VBS Rin at the end of July
-Miku + Len FES for anni
-And (way too far to predict this but just as an example), let's say, Niigo MEIKO at the end of October/November and MMJ KAITO for NY, I think we're fine?

The only way I could see SummerFES not being 3 OCs while also having a L/n char in its lineup (and not FES) is if they don't do EmuMix2... would they delay it further? She could be the anni event but I think it should happen already so uhh. Who knows. A difficult to predict banner...

Ehh... my personal bet (and I think most people's?) is that VS WL will just be 1 day per character shorter (so 2 days instead of 3) and will still be 12 days long just like every other WL, because imo there's no fucking way they're doing an 18 day event... people would go ballistic, especially VS oshis. And IMO, sacrificing a limited event just seems like a really strange idea, that'd be such easy money for them?

The problem is... I feel like that's way too long for 6th lims to be going...? Especially for uscorer gaps too--when VBS got their 3rd uscorer when 2 units had 1 uscorer, the immediate next 2 months corrected it. Obviously that isn't possible here due to what they did but I seriously don't think we're going to have a 9 month delay between Leoni's 5th uscorer and MMJ's 4th.

Yeah, it's just a really difficult banner. Wedding and VBS hako lim were pretty expectable (at least 2/3 of the characters were super super obvious) but... man, wtf is going on here.

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