Anon · 28d

The other day I saw someone mention the possibility of Niigo unit lim event at the end of July and, actually, that makes a fair amount of sense
However it'd probably have to be Kanade focus because otherwise, it'd be the third Mizuki unit lim event lol?
So if Kanade's not at the end of this month, this is something to consider...!

Kanade + Mizuki + Niigo MEIKO (or Len lol) would fit pretty well, which would mean anni Ena. And probably Rui at the end of August?

So perhaps something like this if they go that route:
SummerFES -> Emu, Airi, MMJ Len + Akitoya FES (im aware there's no l/n char in the banner but. its impossible to do both non-3OC and have a l/n char unless its not emu focus or they do mixed fes pairs tbh)
End of July -> Kanade, Mizuki, Niigo MEIKO
End of August -> Rui and Mafuyu mixed maybe? (idk who could be third)
Anni -> MikuRin FES + Ena

Ehh... I can see what the line of thinking is, but for me, I don't really think it makes much sense personally. If Kanade doesn't get a lim, I wouldn't really think of a unit lim still.

Maybe I'm just closeminded but I don't really see them giving us a second third unit lim event when have WxS+L/n still are at 1 and VBS only barely getting 2.
I think MMJ having 3 was already a shock (and probably more of a byproduct of MMJ just being constantly both behind, and through the gutter) and I don't really think it's likely for them to push out another Niigo before we at least get WxS because well, their due date is long, people want a new one, fans would be pretty mad at seeing another Niigo unit lim and might stir up a fuss to Colopale's emails/discord (fusses are bad).

I definitely agree that Kanade is getting a lim this Summer though, and I agree with Ena anni+probably MikuRin fes? A Rui+Mafuyu mix is something I've thought about too. I just have it placed where your unit lim is, lol.

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