Anon · 25d

randomly thought about it but mafuyu can't be a 4* at the end of july unless miku somehow gets another 4* by then (assuming she's getting one in mafuyu5, which would mean either two miku 4* in a row, or she is in the july event before l/n wl), so mafuyu+rui mixed isn't really a viable choice for the end of july

Oooh... you're right, I kept forgetting about that, lol. Thanks for pointing it out
I'm starting to consider the possibility of a WxS unit lim event for the end of August, in which case Tsukasa (focus), Nene, and Rui. It's gotta be a 3OC because of it being adjacent to VS WL to begin with, and WxS is due a unit lim event. So it kinda works out. "but why delay Rui's lim that long?" is a valid answer but considering they pushed back An for a unit lim... I'm not sure

Also, someone pointed out that would be the 88th event commission which... feels like a thing Colopale would do after they made sure Tsukasa had the 88th event (Phoenix) and fucked over Ena in the process by making her get b2b 4* :skull:

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