Anon · 24d

(omfg wait is that the real reason why ena got two 4* in a row? i always wondered why they didnt just switch tsukasa3 and kanade3, but the 88th event thing makes a lot of sense...)

also not just an, but toya too (13 and 14 months of wait, respectively), so rui waiting 14 months since his last lim would make sense. i can see it... 88th event song... (i was actually already considering the possibility but i didnt have any specific reasoning for it. something to chew on) it'd explain why they rushed mafuyu5 and put it in june rather than wait until july huh... the july event probably has two OCs and a VS and they couldn't move that one to august... [<- making up shit]

in that case, anni would probably be something like an+saki+haruka+ena, and the event card emu/nene, keeping the pattern of the next year's anni focus being the previous year's anni event card

but then that makes me wonder... whats at the end of july, after all? after sending the mafuyu thing i went back to shizuku+rui, but since the wxs lims thing makes sense, idk? i can still see shizuku + mmj vs but idk who she could be with. kanade? mizuki? (those are literally the only two choices along with kohane, actually. shizuku+mizuki makes a lot of sense, and kanade could work if mafuyu's involved)

so a quick list of my predictions:
july (summerfes) - fes akitoya + emu, ichika/honami, airi
august - shizuku, kanade, mmj kaito?
september - tsukasa, nene, rui [<- stolen pred]
october (anni) - fes mikurin + an, saki, haruka, ena

and if i didnt count wrong, that'd leave mafuyu and meiko (and honami if not in summerfes) as the chars remaining with 5 lims after anni, so they'd likely be in november and december. i could see mafuyu + niigo meiko event, with the latter's long awaited revival

(sorry i wrote so much. i hit my head in my sleep)

to my knowledge it's Technically not confirmed but like. tsukasa gets all the 88 shit everywhere and he's the poster boy (specifically boy) so he ends up getting some privileges other characters don't

(not really gonna answer the rest because like, mmj kaito being here kindof just destroyed so much of this huh. wow... it's crazy how a singular 4* can really mess up plans, isn't it?)

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