Anon · 23d

(rerun spoilers, just in case)
what are your thoughts on the pattern of at least one of the characters in the month's rerun banners being in the next lim banner? if it had happened once or twice i'd think it's a coincidence, but it's been a thing every month since the 2nd reruns started:
[november] kohanemix2 + SBD + 1.5 anni reruns -> akito and len lims
[december] haruka3 + wedding toya + anni1 -> fes minori and meiko lim
[january] ny tsukasa + ny haruka + smile of dreamer -> VD kohane and haruka lims
[february] VD ichika + wedding an + WD tsukasa -> WD kanade and ichika lims
[march] WD toya + hermit mizuki + VD airi -> kaito lim + sakiemu fes
[april] 2.5 anni + summer honami + haruka2 -> an lim (just one matching char this time)
[may] mizuki4 + moon rabbits + kanademix1 -> wedding minori and luka lims

and it seems the pattern may keep up, since there's a pretty good chance of emu and kanade in the next lim banner

normally i'd be skeptical, considering statistically there's a good chance of repeating characters like this, but seeing that it's been a thing for so many months, i feel like they may do it a bit intentionally. even before 2nd reruns started being a thing, you'd occasionally see chars getting a lim the lim banner after (and sometimes before) a rerun (the most recent examples: shizuku4 right after anni2 rerun, or anni ichika after dlf rerun)

speaking of which, those are coincidentally the next two reruns lol. since akito's in one of the reruns, do you think there's a chance they do emu+akito rather than emu+toya at the end of june? and then kohane+toya in kohane5. both toya and an want a 2*, so they could put 2* toya in the emu+akito banner, and then shop akito+an in kohane5

i consume leaks and the story like a kid consumes candy... and well, i already read the haruka event story like within the past hour, before it even released, i'm that type of crazy about consuming them.. (i save spoilery event/song discussion until stuff releases though, so...)
so don't worry about "random" rerun spoilers. plus i feel like reruns being gatekept from the player knowing is like, kindof a dick gacha move, lol

i honestly think it's kindof inevitable to repeat one of the characters. frankly, this requires about 9 characters on average a month... and well, in some cases, it's more (like this month being 10) or less (like hermit month being 8) which is, over 1/3 of the cast.

but i do think it's worth noting for sure.. the consistency is a bit above coincidence, i think? i wouldn't be shocked if they planned putting some lims around reruns. stuff like SBD akito getting a rerun before crank up? like you'd be hard pressed to convince me that isn't intentional, lol
wondering who could be our repeat(s) this time?
honami+emu+kanade, shiho+ichika+saki, and mafuyu+shizuku+akito+rui which. having 10/26 of the cast here doesn't exactly rule it out much, lol. though we can rule out miku for a lovely 10/25. so 20% lol. i think kanade and emu are definitely happening though... and possibly akito, yeah.

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