Anon · 14d

Hello oomf. This time I waited until the event reveal so I wouldn't be comically wrong with my predictions; funnily I would've been right this time, because I felt they'd do Niigo Rin over Miku and Mafuyu would become the new face of the game (/j)
I'm gonna yap a bit (a lot) if you don't mind...!

I think it's most likely Miku's at the end of June; but perhaps they go "might as well lol" and make her wait until Kohane5, which should be right after?

Under the assumption that they (finally) do Emu's second mixed, and Miku's also a lim; if they do Kanade+Ena FES, I believe Akito's the more likely lim because, if they went with Toya, that'd mean repeating 4/6 of the Sanrio banner characters, which I feel is excessive, especially when the Sanrio banner isn't even one year old. So the solution is either doing Akito, or they actually go with mixed FES (Kanade+Honami?), which means they can do Toya

I believe there is no glaring issue with Kanade+Honami FES and Emu+Toya+Miku lims, and we check all the boxes with it: why L/n WL is in late July (FES Honami) & it's a two OC+VS event & Niigo doesn't get too many 4* close together. Ena should be fine with waiting until anni for her next 4* (~170 days since her previous one), but Kanade is a bit more urgent
However, if it has to be Kanade+Ena FES, then Emu+Akito+Miku seems like the only choice unless they're fine with repeating over half of the Sanrio banner. Or if Miku's not in the banner

On the other hand, if they keep Miku for Kohane5, then it's harder to guess the banner; I imagine at that point it'd either be a 3OC event (something like Emu + Ichika + Airi/Kanade?), or Niigo's in the lineup for a Niigo VS (Emu + Kanade + Niigo MEIKO/Len?). Which means Akitoya FES...

Another thing to take into account is the attribute of events, which can help predict things:
- If Miku's there, it's totally not Pure. Like, come on. However, I really don't get why they did Mysterious FES Emu over Pure if this banner's not Pure?!
- Cool may be fine because Miku only has two Cool 4*, but both Akito and Toya have got Cool lims recently. I think Akito's alright because the shortest gap between lims of the same attribute is three months (FES MEIKO -> NY MEIKO), but Toya getting another Cool lim just two months later may be too much. I am not counting Sanrio or WL cards though (otherwise the record is held by Nene, with WL -> Wedding). However, even if we counted WL, I think Toya getting three Cool lims in less than a year may be a lot lol
- No real issue with Happy. Emu would be getting her 5th Happy 4*, which is fine now that OCs have started getting 5th 4* cards of attributes
- Cute is a bit more difficult because they'd likely have to do Emu+Toya+Miku, since all three of Emu, Akito, and Miku already have four Cute 4* cards. But I don't really believe it'll be Cute
- And Mysterious is the one I'm leaning most towards. Despite the fact FES Emu was Mysterious, it'd be the same case as FES MEIKO -> NY MEIKO, so it's probably fine? Plus Akito is, iirc, one of the most due characters to get a 4* of a specific attribute (nearly two years since last Mysterious 4*)

So I'm personally leaning towards Cool or Mysterious, if they go with Emu+Akito+Miku. If they did Toya over Akito, it'd most likely be Mysterious, or perhaps Cute. Don't ask me about any other lineup though lol

tl;dr: I think it's most likely Emu+Akito+VBS Miku (+ FES Kanaena) IF they do Miku there

Finally, I suppose Kohane5 would be either Cute or Happy. I think the lineup would be Kohane + Akito or Toya (whoever's not a lim) + VS (Len or Rin?). If it's Akito, it's likely Happy; if it's Toya, either attribute should work
If Miku's there, though, then Kohane+Akito+Miku (Cool)?

Idk if I forgot anything. Sorry for yapping so much. Have a good day!

So sorry for the lateish answer! I've been mulling over a response for awhile and well, just processing what's been happening lately with Mafuyu's event, 'cause I ended up really liking it a lot! I kindof had a sinking gut feeling I talked about occasionally for the past week in a discord server I'm in about Rin but I was a bit in hardcore denial they'd really break the Miku cap, lol.

Personally, I guess I'm not sure about Miku on the lim banner tbh--I feel like they're still reserving her for special occasions--VS events, collabs, fes lims, anniversary events... I think Miku as a FES card on anni4 seems pretty decently possible. It's true that breaking the Miku cap brings up chances of stuff a bit... so I won't write it off as "it's just impossible" but I'm just not really feeling it yet till it actually happens. I think Rin here if anything, raises the likelihood of 3OC.

I'm starting to go back to consider that maybe it really is a Leo/need lim here. I agree that Honami is pretty possible due to her lim count, but at the same time, man, another Emu+Honami event is a bit crazy, but that definitely wouldn't stop them. (looks over at Emu+Saki) ...why's Emu always at the scene of the crime with Leo/need? If it's 3OC I don't think we'll have Airi. I think her next 4* will be her focus (which I believe will be the perm before VS WL... also, another Airi lim would kinda suck...)

I'm still against mixed fes, because I think it would just end up mostly being "pair the spares" past like maybe 3 or so of them w/ the first few and would as such be a bit of a stupid decision. Plus how would they work VS into it?
Also, I mean, come on, 3 units have their most popular pairings coming up, and one of the other 2 already got their most popular... Minoharu+Shizuai, Anhane+Akitoya, Ruikasa+Emunene...? I feel like it would be commercial suicide to skip out on those. Would Colopale really go for something weird like, say, Airi and Toya fes...?!?

I THINK the rest of your conclusions are solid though. I don't see anything glaringly wrong? I guess it's just moreso to me "would they really?" rather than anything to refute such possibilities.
Looking forward to the livestream this upcoming week, hope you have a good day too!

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