Anon · 12d

No worries about the late response! Also yeah, the Mafuyu event was very good!

I believe Miku could be on both next lim banner and anni FES, so she can catch up again on her 4* card amount. iirc before the WxS Miku banner, it was "Miku only gets lims in colorfes banners / annis & half-annis", and now it's "special occasions". Also, perhaps this banner is an occasion special enough (a colorfes banner?); or they simply break yet another pattern. They did break the Miku cap, after all.

I think the issue with 3OC is... they either repeat too many lims from the last few months, or they repeat a previous mixed lineup (Emu+Honami+Kanade or Emu+Honami+Ena).
For the former point of "repeating too many lims from the last few months"; let's say they did Emu+Honami+Toya and Kanaena FES. All these characters got lims in the last 6 months, which feels like repeating them too fast to me.
The max I believe they've repeated from the previous three months is three lims. For example: FES Ena and NY An and Rin on NY2023 -> 2.5 An+Ena and FES Rin; or Anni Minori, FES MEIKO, followed by Shizuku lim -> all three in NY2024.
This is also why I believe something like Emu+Saki+Kanade and Akitoya FES is unlikely because they'd be repeating four characters from the last three months. It's a tricky case.

But Emu+Ichika+Ena (with FES Akitoya), or Emu+Ichika+Akito/Toya or Emu+Honami+Toya (FES Kanaena for both) should be alright, even though all these characters have gotten lims already since NY.
So I'd expect at least one character that hasn't had a lim in a while (which would be like, Miku or Airi)... though I just looked at the last time most characters got a lim and pretty much everyone has had at least one lim since NY LOL. Okay maybe this part is moot (not deleting it for posterity though); but the "repeating too many lims from the last three months" point still applies imo.

Now, since you coincidentally mentioned Mafuyu's event, I have new predictions because of it:
In the second ending scene, we see Ena at Kamikou's cultural festival, which seems to be a future scene? Mostly unrelated to the event and as a cliffhanger for the Mizuki storyline.

My first thought after this was "perhaps they'll actually do Mizuki+Rui mixed at the end of July, to set up the next Mizuki focus...", but then I got enlightened: Mizuki+Toya mixed. They're in the same class now, after all, and it could be focused on the Kamikou cultural festival... KAMIKOU FESTIVAL 2 incoming? This also fits perfectly with the other predictions:
- Emu+Akito+VBS Miku (+ Kanaena FES) at the end of June
- Toya+Mizuki+Niigo MEIKO at the end of July
- Tsukasa+Nene+Rui (WxS Lims) at the end of August [88th Event Song]

I was worried about Toya because he hasn't been a 4* in a mixed event since WD2, so he was the more likely choice for Emu's mixed... but that prediction feels off (mainly because Ena, Emu, Toya, and Miku in the banner means repeating 4/6 of the Sanrio banner).

"But would they do the big reveal of Mizuki's secret in a mixed?"
I believe this event could just be the preparation of the festival, Mizuki and Toya hanging out and doing stuff together; and the event ends with Ena visiting Mizuki's class, which would mean Mizuki5 starting from there, and therefore the mixed not being a mandatory read? (just some story theorizing)

So yeah, that's it I think. Yapped a lot again. I believe the only issues with my predictions are:
- Why is L/n WL in late July?! 😭 I don't get it honestly
- also the fact that i dont wanna be optimistic about an akito lim because i'll cry if it doesn't happen cough I'll just pretend I'm wrong and delusional so I don't get disappointed. There's no Akito in Project Sekai

That's all for now. Farewell.

It's true, you could say FES is probably a special enough occasion... but these lims DO rerun, and without FES... so it's a strange middle ground? Especially compared to the other special occasions--we get one VS event a year (and it seems gated to be Miku focus, lol) and it happened on her birthday, and collabs are like, even rarer, so Sanrio makes sense... I guess just, would a random event that happens to coincide with FES and be given the blessings of FES rates be enough to be called "special"? Alternatively yeah they could just end that pattern too.
Wouldn't lim here + WL + anni4 FES end up being 22 4* though? Do we think they'd do that? I guess it's Miku, so it doesn't matter.
I guess we'll find out about all this in a week. Hooray for early leaks! I can't wait for this specific lineup to be behind us, ngl. What a complete mess!

For me though, how I read that, it was more of like... a vehicle to get the plot moving. Considering they barely seem to let Ena have any proper relevance at Kamikou, it makes me think it was a done as a good idea in order to get Ena involved, because we know she almost definitely wouldn't willingly miss out on a cultural festival. Now she's at school, at Mizuki's class. It's the type of thing that easily leads to plot developments and who-knows-what happening. A really strong buildup imo.

I think something like a sweet brief Mizuki+Toya mixed where they prepare for the cultural festival could be fairly filler enough that it'd make sense if they want to include the Kamikou festival as an actual mixed event. It'd be really weird to have the first big Mizuena development since Ashiato to take place in a mixed... so I guess I could see some small little buildup to increase Mizuki and Toya's bond first. Please let Toya get an event without a Rui lim. We're definitely getting one of Ruikasa on the shop though... and I sure hope one of the other girls could get a shop (mizuan save us?), because I'd have one hell of a sour taste in my mouth if we get 3 OC guys and Mizuki for a lineup.

I think the only other explanation for L/n WL being in late July (assuming it's not related to lims/game balance) could be either trying to hit the Tsunagu Hoshi no Uta slot and the Perseids...? So you could roll with that, I guess?

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