Anon · 12d

I was thinking, for the theorical Toya+Mizuki mixed, that the lineup could be Toya, Mizuki, Niigo MEIKO, with event cards Rui and someone else (Ena, An, or perhaps VBS Rin).

Speaking of VBS Rin, it looks like most VS versions have gotten at least one 3 or 4* card that shows them in their Brand New outfits, but one of the missing ones is VBS Rin, and I'm not particularly feeling 4* Rin in Kohane5 (too fast?) so perhaps she can be the 3* in that mixed.
By the way other missing VS are: L/n Len, MMJ MEIKO, and Niigo MEIKO and Luka. I feel like they could do L/n Len and Niigo Luka in September, and MMJ MEIKO... maybe the event card in Airi5, since I don't think there's any other spot for a MMJ event lol.

Went off on a tangent there though... so yeah, Toya+Mizuki+Niigo MEIKO, and shop Rui and Ena/An/VBS Rin

Also for Emu's mixed, I was thinking of Emu, Akito, VBS Miku and shop Mafuyu (char with least 2/3* cards right now iirc?) and someone else (I'd say a MMJ or L/n char so it's not the exact same units as the MizuToya mixed lineup). Who knows what kind of story they'd cook up with that lineup

I've been thinking about this too now after you mentioned it. Niigo Meiko would probably be the only one with a cameo instead of an actual card, so it makes sense for it to be a priority ti get her a new card...

As you mentioned, Niigo Meiko on the mixed event
MMJ Meiko I think will just be 3* on Airi5. This one I feel like is the one with the least complication on its own, but it does mean Rin Len and Kaito will all need a commission between the other 4 events in this rotation (L/n VBS WxS Niigo)
L/n Len can probably be 4* on Ichika5 (I'm assuming it'll be Ichika next. feels most sensible) plus Len absolutely does not need shop right now. Feels like an easy slot in?
Niigo Luka can return for Mizuki's event (if it takes place pre-anni) otherwise she can just get stuffed in a perm mix, yeah.
VBS Rin... I'm stumped. I mean, I guess it could be true and we get VBS Rin as a 3* there. The thing with her is there is a lot of options for what they can do for her. So I'll just accept they want that somehow.

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