Anon · 10d

The thing about VBS Rin is that it'd be too fast for her to get another 4* in Kohane5, unless they randomly do 3OC and give her the 3* there, but I think it's likely 2OC + VS, especially if Miku isn't at the end of June, so Rin is pretty much either Kohane5 or end of July (if they do Mizutoya mixed?)

If Luka sings for Niigo (Mizuki5?), Len for Ichika5, MEIKO for Airi5, and let's say KAITO for Tsukasa5 (could parallel 88 with that, especially if they do the funny 88th event song thing), that leaves Rin and Miku for VBS, assuming they don't repeat VS or have a singing VS that doesn't match one of the VS in the lineup, which hasn't happened at all since Airi4, I believe?
I can personally see now them delaying Miku yet another event so she gets a 4* in Kohane5, since she has barely been in event songs this uh... last year? (Although she makes up for that with the new unit songs and all the covers she is in, I suppose?)

Also I believe there's a chance they actually do three events in September (WxS lims, Niigo, and L/n). Since they skipped one mixed already, they may skip another, to "make up" for last year's mixed-only month. But if not, then I agree Niigo Luka could just be in a perm mixed (or L/n Len, if they actually leave L/n rather than Niigo for after anni)

By the way, speaking of Kohane5 and Miku earlier: I've been thinking about the case where they don't do Miku lim to put her in Kohane5, and I agree with you after all that it'd likely be a 3OC lineup.
However, as outrageous as it sounds, I think there's a fair chance it has Airi. I know it'd be her 5th lim 4* in a row, counting WL and Sanrio lol, but I feel she's a perfect fit in there. They usually have at least one character in lim banners that is most due for a lim, and she is among those right now. Otherwise the lineup would pretty much consist of characters that have had lims since NY.

It could be like: FES Kanaena + Emu, Honami/Ichika, Airi
Could do Akito over Airi if they go with Ichika, since I believe repeating Akito and Honami lims together so fast may be too much, but would they do a Ichikana banner yet again? For the fourth time in a row for Ichika? I like them but... we need variety

Also laying out all my predictions:
End of June Mixed - FES Kanaena + Emu, Ichika/Honami, Airi/Akito OR Emu, Akito, VBS Miku
VBS - Kohane, Akito, Miku [Miku sings] OR Kohane, ???, ??? [Rin sings]
L/n WL

End of July Mixed - Toya, Mizuki, Niigo MEIKO (Rin shop)
MMJ - Airi, Minori, Shizuku? MEIKO shop

WxS lims - Tsukasa, Nene, Rui KAITO shop?
L/n - Ichika, ???, Len [Len sings]
Niigo - Mizuki, ???, Luka [Luka sings]

(wrote a lot as always. sorry)

The issue is, one of Meiko/Luka shouldn't sing this rotation if Miku sings... otherwise we'd be at the exact same problem we had with Niigo Rin vs. Niigo Miku where it just doesn't end up happening and we get Rin again. If we assume Luka and Meiko both sing this rotation (Luka in Mizuki5, Meiko in Airi5) then we absolutely need to distribute Rin Len and Kaito in Leoni/VBS/WxS.
Our current counts as of this rotation (Miku voided because she does not matter for the sake of this discussion because she is always unbalanced and ahead)
15 Meiko
14 Luka
13 Rin, Len, Kaito

If Meiko gets a commission, all 3 of Rin/Len/Kaito need one to hit 14 to keep the 2 gap of 16/15/14 alive, and Luka can be replaced for Miku. (though this would be kindof weird with all 4 hitting 14 while Meiko is much ahead at 16.)
Basically, what I'm trying to say is, if we get a Miku commi, we can only kill off Luka/Meiko for it. We can't kill off Rin/Len/Kaito for one.

So I do think if VBS is Miku 4*, we're gonna have a kick in the shop for Rin (or Kaito if you prefer VBS Kaito here and WxS Rin later) just to avoid Miku being the singer.

Yeaaah I'm really not feeling another Ichikana... 4 in a row just is too much... I think we could only get Ichika if we really do end up with Akitoya fes.
Also, it would definitely be Shizuku on Airi's event. No use pushing Haruka ahead too when Shizuku likely wouldn't have a chance to get another 4* until an October perm. I guess you could swap out Minori for Haruka, but Haruka wants the shop more... and Minori wants to dodge lims more than Haruka, so Minori makes more sense for the 4*

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