Anon · 5d

Hello oomf. Finally, tomorrow's the day. We will be freed from this banner. And since they revealed two events in the latest stream, we may actually know the end of July lims, too. That's cool.

So, for the last time, here's the predictions for the end of June banner:
The most reasonable choice is doing EmuMix2. If they go with same-unit FES pairs, the most likely choice is Kanaena, which would mean Emu + Akito + VBS Miku lims.
I believe that's the most likely banner because, if they did Toya, that'd mean repeating 4/6 of the Sanrio characters, and if Miku's not here, then she's guaranteed to be in Kohane5 and we have the issue of Miku singing over Rin, as I think MMJ MEIKO (event card), L/n Len, and Niigo Luka are likely lock-ins because of the 3/4* illustrations thing.

Another possible banner is Emu + Airi + MMJ Len. That one's a bit more headscratching because it'd be Airi's fifth lim in a row (counting Sanrio and WL), and we keep getting spammed with MMJ lims. But otherwise, it seems fine.

There's also the possibility of VBS FES. Because of the new FES skills, it's not guaranteed to be Akitoya anymore (BUMMER!) and could be Akito&An instead. In that case, I'd say the banner's likely Emu + Kanade + Niigo MEIKO so Niigo MEIKO can be somewhere before anni (for the 3/4* illustrations thing).

The one last possibility is L/n FES. Although I think it's the least likely choice since the previous FES had Saki, it's technically not impossible. The pair is guaranteed to be Ichihona in this case, though. The banner may have to be Emu + Akito + VBS Miku, as Emu + Kanade + Niigo MEIKO would mean yet another Ichikana banner (good lord).

However, as outrageous and unprecedented as it is, I think the possibility of Kohane5 being the limited banner can't be discarded. People will be FURIOUS, but... it is what it is. I wouldn't be surprised at all if it happens. The lineup is pretty much locked to Kohane + Akito + VBS Miku, and the FES is... whatever they want it to be lol.

Now, there's the consideration of mixed FES pairs. Since it's a new FES series, with a new name and new skills, they may actually do mixed pairs so units can get those faster (?); or perhaps they don't care!

Anyways, if they actually do mixed FES pairs, I think Kanade is an extremely likely choice. Being one of the most popular characters, and currently quite due for a 4* card, it makes sense they'd go with her first, especially for a new FES series. They could pair her with Honami, not because of their relationship (which I believe isn't important), but because that way L/n could get a 4* in the banner and explain why L/n WL is in late July.
In that case, I'd say the banner's, once again, likely to be Emu + Akito + VBS Miku.

But I thought of another, and possibly stranger choice: Miku+Kanade. Maybe it makes sense to do this, as VS WL is next, and giving them the new FES skill before it would be good (though WxS didn't get their second set of FES cards before WL so it's probably not that important).
This gives them more liberty for the banner, as they can do something like Emu + Airi + MMJ Len, or even Emu + Honami + Airi. This is probably the most unpredictable choice.

"But if they do Miku here, who would be FES on anni?" who knows. god bless. probably two random chars (maybe something funny like Rin+Rui)

So, here's the tl;dr of all the possibilities I thought of:
If same-unit pairs FES:
- Kanaena FES + Emu, Akito, VBS Miku
- Kanaena FES + Emu, Airi, MMJ Len
- VBS FES + Emu, Kanade, Niigo MEIKO
- Ichihona FES + Emu, Airi, MMJ Len
- Ichihona FES + Emu, Kanade, Niigo MEIKO [really doubt this one but putting it here anyways]

Any FES + Kohane, Akito, VBS Miku

If mixed pairs FES:
- Kanahona FES + Emu, Akito, VBS Miku
- Miku&Kanade FES + Emu, Honami, Airi or Emu, Airi, MMJ Len or ???
- idfk lol. pretty unpredictable

My personal prediction is either Kohane5 lims or Kanaena FES + Emu, Akito, VBS Miku.
In the former case, they could actually still do Niigo MEIKO lim at the end of July and therefore put her somewhere, and both of the most due VS (VBS Miku and Niigo MEIKO) get cards soon, although it means doing one of the most outrageous things in the game so far. Not looking forward to the reactions if they go with this.
The second case is the most reasonable choice, although idk what it'd mean for Niigo MEIKO. Whatever, I guess, she's already rotting. It also means five WxS lims within three lim banners (wedding Nene, Emu mixed, and WxS lims), six if you count WxS Luka, and idk if that's too much, but maybe it's WxS fans' turn to go through the torture labyrinth.

Perhaps it can also be VBS FES + Emu, Kanade, Niigo MEIKO; it does solve the issues I mentioned, actually, by putting Niigo MEIKO somewhere, both of the most due VS getting cards soon (VBS Miku would be in Kohane5 100%), and it's not a particularly outrageous choice. Probably.

Either way, I imagine whatever we get is something I didn't predict at all LOL, because that's how this world works. Farewell.

We're finally almost here..!!!

I actually was starting to consider Miku for the Bloomfes--considering they made a big distinction of how VS skills are different, and Miku is pretty due for a 4* (I'm under the assumption that they aren't going to even bother too hard with Miku's 4* counts anymore and she'll just vaguely follow everyone else's counts but because it's Miku, who knows if she'll ever go ahead, though I doubt she'd fall behind.)
I personally think Miku's next 2 4* will be her WL card + BloomFES, and that she won't be seeing any new event 4* for a bit. I think it just doesn't really fit in any time slots tbh. I think they'd even rather wait for her WL than put her in VBS if she isn't Bloomfes here. I just don't see her in a regular event rn.

I still don't agree with VBS even being a possibility--2 unit lims in a row, one on FES rates, with a one month gap? I think that's just kinda... a different level of BS that even Colopale would not do. I think they just wanted to announce Tsukasa5 to drum up hype/keep announcing 2 commis a month for now. I can see what you're saying though, and if by some.. unholy miracle it's this, well, damn, congrats.

Yeah I feel like this banner is gonna have some weird shit nobody really precisely predicted. Emu focus I think is the only thing everyone agrees with.
I miss feeling secure in Anhane+Akitoya fes specs :sob: Imagine if it really is Akian FES (:skull:) and then we get KohatoyaVS immediately after. Wouldn't that be something.

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