Reigencestmaxxer · 1mo

how do you ship reigencest? is it like a "woah! another me? that's interesting.." type of start?

Good question actually... none of my drawings with them so far are supposed to fit within a timeline if that makes sense, it's more of a metaphorical type of scenario, something that'll never be concrete. There's no meeting each other and being surprised at seeing yourself or cloning etc. it's the idea of being forced to face your own self, seeing that person's flaws in front of your eyes knowing that it's meant to be a reflection of yourself, and eventually maybe accept them for who they are, which is kind of why I enjoy the dynamic where one of them is a bit more hostile/distant while the other is more clingy and comfortable with physical affection: the side of Reigen where he's emotionally cold, afraid of commitment, and the other side of him that seeks connection to feel fulfilled. But usually I draw them together simply because I enjoy objectifying Reigen, but if I were to think about it harder then the answer I gave first would make sense lol

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