Reigencestmaxxer · 21d

how do you get ideas for your composition? i’m in LOVE with your works and i want to achieve a similar feel to my art with composition, but i want to know how you do that! (if it’s okay, ofc)

Normally whenever I post drawings with a strange composition it's because I think the base drawing is a bit too ugly to be posted alone, so I move stuff around until it looks visually interesting enough lol. I dont know if there's anything specific I take inspiration from because it's entirely experimental, but I think what helps is to focus on the amount of white space and to place images as if they were puzzle pieces to fill that space as much as possible while keeping the main drawing as the focus. It's easier to do this when working in b&w because the values are clear, but if you have trouble doing this while working with colors then you can check the values in grayscale by setting a white layer in the "Color" blending mode over your drawing to see if anything looks off. But yeah generally my thought process is like "this looks very empty, I should add something here to fill out that empty space, and maybe I'll make it a different color so that the drawing doesnt look too loaded, etc" and with that I just mess around until I find something I think is good enough to post for others to look at. I dont think theres ever been a drawing of mine that has the same composition I had in mind before drawing it, it's rare that I repeat the same methods too. I go with my intuition so I cant help with more, but I still think that focusing on the amount of blank space in contrast with everything else is very important for making a piece look visually pleasing.

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