Reigencestmaxxer · 14d

what happened to ur old spam ex oomf

Ive had plenty so you have to be more specific lol but now I mostly stay public to post art. I did create a personal account earlier to talk about random stuff in case people still want to be friends with me or talk with me more casually, it's empty for now but it's here in case anyone's interested. I dont know if Ill accept many people but I dont really have very strict boundaries on who Im friendly with, and since Im aware people have been questioning me about this topic for weeks then I have to say that both "antis" and "proshippers" are free to follow and/or befriend me as long as they dont force me into discourse. I have words related to the topics that make me uncomfortable muted so that certain posts dont show up on my timeline, and I just want the account to be a space where I can relax and look at fanart I enjoy. I dont want this to start any drama or assumptions about my beliefs regarding fiction, so please feel free to avoid me or block me if you have a problem with this, I understand. I think it's necessary for me to give a warning like that because I dont want to make people uncomfortable when they follow me there.

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