nootnoot · 15d


Prince Dazai pulling the "Why'd you pull out, do you hate me :((???" to one of his knights (preferably Chuuya, who's most definitely older than him), knowing damn well it's because he's still fifteen and his life would be dammed if he gets knocked up with one of his knight kid, he still decides to be a brat and whine about it thought (perhaps Chuuya will finally give it to him out of pure spite)

Dazai getting on Chuuya’s nerves enough that he loses it and bends him over, filling him until cum is leaking down Dazai’s thighs

jokes on Chuuya because after he give in once Dazai is even more insufferable and when he wants it again he just tells Chuuya how hot his cum felt inside his pussy, how his belly was so stuffed he already felt like he was pregnant

in the end they have to run away together because Dazai is most definitely pregnant and will be many more times

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