nootnoot · 18d

Beast omegazai and alpha chuu who is crying bc he’s a useless mutt

Dazai forcing Chuuya to knot him over and over until he physically can’t, still cumming but each orgasm is wrung from Chuuya’s body like he’s wearing an electric shock collar, and THEN Dazai tell him how useless he is, saying what’s the point of an alpha who can’t even satisfy an omega, who can’t even properly breed one while Chuuya sobs, choking on his tears that he can try again that he can be better he just needs a rest, but by that point Dazai has already straddled his face and is rutting against Chuuya’s mouth, forcing him to eat his own cum out his pussy, telling Chuuya that THAT is all he’s good for now, just slobbering and whining like a filthy mutt

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