nootnoot · 13d

// Tentacle on tentacle action, oviposition (? That’s what is called?) but it’s marine creatures so it isn’t as weird as it usually is :(

Cecalia Chuuya (basically an octopus mermaid/merman whatever) and mermaid Dazai… Chuuya fucking Dazai with his tentacles when he’s supposedly eating him after his comrades caught him with a mermaid all tangled on his tentacles which he only replied with that he’s his food for the day…

Him shutting Dazai up with his tentacles as well because the mermaid is awfully loud and whiny, they’ll keep going until Dazai is certainly filled up with the Cecalia’s eggs even if the mermaid wouldn’t be actually be able to bear them properly bc of the difference of species … AAAH 😵‍💫

Dazai crying and moaning as all his holes are stuffed, his belly big and round it so full but he can’t stop grinding down on the tentacles pumping in and out of him, cumming over and over while Chuuya praises him for being such a good little mate, that he’s glad he didn’t eat him because this is so much better and look how pretty he is all full to bursting with Chuuya’s eggs

And then after Chuuya has had enough, he helps Dazai push them out, watching him squirt around each one because the feeling is too much for his spent oversensitive body and despite how the stretch burns it also feels so so good

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