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Tarium citizens · 14d

thank you so much for the answer ✨ may i know what important/special role he has in the story? i haven't read the novel yet (only the manhwa). sorry for asking too many questions 🙏

You’re welcome! He’s the Lord’s (Latil) destined knight in this life (like Carlein with Domis).

And don’t apologize for asking questions 💕

Tarium citizens · 14d

hey just found this tweet of yours, i want to know why they put him alone, did it bcs the illustration come out when he wasn't a consort yet?

They were promoting the novel by introducing the male leads/consorts and put him alone saying “and another man”

I think it’s because he’s not a consort and also kinda saying he has an important/special role in the story

Tarium citizens · 1mo

Apologies for asking about the manhwa name😅
The alt ddn't appear at first!

Tarium citizens · 1mo

which manhwa is Elodie from?
Thank you <3

Tarium citizens · 1mo

i remember ppl saying bad about MOF when the manhwa first came out on webtoon cs its harem but gosh its so nice to see a women actually in power not bcs of the male lead bt bcs of her own capabilities alongside male leads who adds to her power beside just being good faces and knight in shining armour.Female leads tends to start strong bt fall apart when male lead enters bt its nice to see Latrasil Roxana Penelope Eris etcs who are more than male leads and damsel suffering from villainess.

I agree!! I like that the MLs all have their roles in the story and aren’t bland. I also like that Latil is the one who solves lots of stuff in the story and saves the day instead of being a damsel in distress.

Anda♡ · 1mo


Tarium citizens · 2mo

Oh i'm sad. Those new free titles on tapas made it possible to complete the coins events (15k, 25k ones) in the past. So i don't like this change at all. Plus i spent coins on some of them and now that they're free i feel robbed. :(

It’s only for a limited time, it won’t be free forever. I understand your worries though, I’d maybe react the same if I unlocked some of them. But it’s still a good thing for more readers to read them because lots of the title they put are underrated.

Tarium citizens · 2mo

I was so happy to see the free tab on tapas but they deadass are restricting us to download the chapters of said comics😭😭 there's no download option for the chapters of them

Oh yeah… 😔 I also want to know until when they’re free but they don’t tell us. But I still think the free access thing is a good thing.

Tarium citizens · 2mo

Omg you’re reading Suhee0! I don’t see many people talk about it on my feed. Do you like Suhee’s bf? Also curious to hear your opinion on Chaehun as you continue😊

Tarium citizens · 3mo

Manhwa male leads you hate the most ?

I can’t think of any because I usually avoid series with really trash mls, but probably solche mls lol. There are mls that I dislike and prefer the 2nd ml instead but I wouldn’t say I hate them so it’s hard to choose

Tarium citizens · 3mo

Have you read like wind on dry branch? What are your thoughts on that manhwa

Yes, I’ve read it, though I’m reallyyy behind. I really like it, I’m planning on reading it again from the start one day bcs I forgot lots of details

Tarium citizens · 3mo

hii could i ask which app/website do you use to read 👩🏽‍💻

Hii! I’m confused if you mean manhwas or webnovels…

For novels, I mostly read on raws (ridi, naver, and sometimes kkp) tbh since most stuff don’t have official English translations. But there are also novels on tapas, tappytoon, and manta (which are all webtoon apps), but I use yonder (an app made by webtoon for webnovels) and manta (owned by ridi and now has lots of novels) the most for novels.

If you mean manhwas, I use webtoon, tapas, tappytoon, manta, and sometimes pocket comics and Lezhin

Tarium citizens · 3mo

do you think you could be in a friend group with your top 3 favorite manhwa characters?

Tarium citizens · 3mo

Do you think the travel back in time trope in manhwa is overused now?

Tarium citizens · 3mo

if you die now and got another chance to live, an angel gave you choices what world you want to reincarnate, what manhwa/webtoon you choose then & why?

I’m crying because most of my fav stories have characters suffering and being miserable so it’s hard to choose 😭😭 I’d not choose a single one of my fav webtoons to live in 🤣🤣 but if I’d choose one story then maybe it’s Men of the Harem just because I’m obsessed with all the characters there and want to know everything about them lol (as if I’d ever meet them even if I was there 😶 they’re all suffer at some point and the story takes a drastic tragic turn too 💀)

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