Tarium citizens · 2mo

Omg you’re reading Suhee0! I don’t see many people talk about it on my feed. Do you like Suhee’s bf? Also curious to hear your opinion on Chaehun as you continue😊

Hi! Umm… at first i understood him but then it started being annoying. I understand his insecurity, but he isn’t trying to communicate about it, even when Suhee keeps telling him to say anything on his mind. I also dislike how he doesn’t defend her in front of his coworkers 🚩 he’s too much right now, and I don’t think their relationship will work because he’ll just get worse. The best option is for them to just break up tbh… they’ll just both get hurt. Though I’m just at chapter ~27-28, so I don’t know what’ll happen in the future. The characters are all 3 dimensional to me 😊

About Chaehun, I have mixed feelings for him… like his character is interesting, and i understand him more after seeing his circumstances, but he’ll also definitely play a big role in manipulating and ruining Suhee’s life because of his own interests. I don’t think he completely trash for now, though… I’ll maybe come back to this post again when I catch up since I’m still only in the beginning of the story.

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