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anon <3 Ā· 1y

do you think getting inspiration from other fics is a bad thing? sometimes i read a fic and i really like the plot or other aspects and i want to write something similar or hm idk how to explain betterā€¦

not at all!! i think there are very clear lines of plagiarism, so iā€™ll tell u some things that i personally avoid: copying things word for word, copying the plot structure for a fic,
for ex: if someone reads ur fic and says that they see very big similarities with another fic (as in, the scenes that happen in Fic A are in the exact same order but worded differently as Fic Bā€™s)...

things i DONā€™T consider plagiarism is copying a certain trope or personality of a character that someone else has written, because i think itā€™s something youā€™ll see in every fic like that kind of thing is pretty normal to me!! if thereā€™s a scene you rlly like in a fic and it inspires u to write something surrounding that id say thatā€™s perfectly fine? it just depends on how much you actually take from it cos that can be harmful!! number one thing to rmr is that if u get that similar feeling of reading an online article and ā€œrephrasingā€ it for an essay ur about to hand in to your professor... youā€™re plagiarizing!!

thatā€™s just my opinion, but you can always tell me about specifics of what you want to do and we can go from there

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