Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anonymous user · 9mo

How is ur life being lately?

My life has been pretty simple, so I don't have many things to worry about, which feels great after years and years of being constantly anxious and exhausted from university. There are times when I will worry about my future, and especially about finding a good job, because I really need one, but aside from that, things are going okay. I think the near future will be very difficult for me, but I'm not afraid of it so far.

I think I'm a very blessed person. I have a family that loves me a lot, and the same is true for my friends, for my church and for the place I used to work. I've been able to meet some great people both here on the internet and in real life, and everyone treats me nicely. Because of that, even when I'm sad and worried, I try to not complain much, because I truly am blessed for having a mostly peaceful life and knowing people who love me.

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