Fellow Grass Enjoyer · 9mo

I just finished 4.1 AQ . . . Cholde . . .

And that Neuvi scene of sealing back the primordial water, reminds me a lot of Zhongli SQ 2 and the big shield he made for us. I was interested when Neuvi said 'all living dragon sovereign successors do not possess their full dragonhood or elemental powers unless they retrieve it from the Archons'. Wonder if he knows where/who are the other successors (other than Apep). There are also sovereigns said to have fled to the Dark Sea hmm.

Meanwhile, I'm really sold with the Wriolette interactions lmao 😭😂 their dynamic is a bit different than what I expected, but I love them, haha

Now I can answer all the 4.1 AQ questions.

Childe! I am so taken to see him floating in the Primordial Sea and that whale just swimming overhead - really wish his lore will be revealed soon and I'm very very excited to meet Skirk if she's going to come out soon and take care of matters.

Also about Neuvillette and dragon sovereign law, for some reason I keep thinking of not for Focalors' intervention, 'Neuvillette' would had turned into some bloodthirsty creature intent on destroying Fontaine? (Similar feel/contempt Apep holds...)

wriolette is interesting, isn't it - they ended up being the one pair that didn't seem like they were THAT at the start, everyone assuming they would be enemies to lovers, turned out it was not that at all

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