Hannes Gihaldo

“Understand me before you venture into my world. I am not a labyrinth, but I am not an open book either”.

Edinburgh, Scotland.
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Mouser · 1d

hai hannes. you catch my attention. so would you be my chat buddy?

Mouser · 2d

Hey Hans, I'm not one of your mutuals and we don't even know each other. But... you've caught my eye... a lot... When will you be looking for new friends? I'd love to get to know you 🍀

Hey, I haven't thought of adding new friends because I'm still busy and a bit drained these days. But maybe this weekend I'll relax a bit, so I can do it. Anyway, thank you, Sender.

Chia. 🐈‍⬛ · 5 answers · 7d

Hi, do you have any recommendations for good movies to watch? Preferably ones available on Netflix. 🤍 (series are fine too)

I have some recommendations for you and for everyone. I'm sure you're familiar with Bridgerton? It's quite popular so I hope you watch it. Then there's Sex Life, it's quite heavy but the plot is very interesting, the sexual discussion is not only about desire but also loyalty, commitment, and.. ah, you should watch it yourself. If you like Chinese Drama, try Derailment, it really has an unpredictable plot, I still adore that drama to this day. Lastly, maybe it's a little light, try Through My Window, it's the first Spanish movie I ever watched.

Mouser · 8d

Hey, Hannes... you look quite similar to someone I know. Someone with the same music taste, loves fettuccine, and a scorpion too. May I, perhaps, ask you when did the last time you're in a relationship? Kalau terlalu privasi ngga usah dijawab yaa, maaf juga kalau terkesan kurang sopan. Terimakasih, Hannes. Have a good day.

Hello, I don't mind answering because it's probably just a coincidence. I'm sure I'm not the person you knew before because I broke up with my ex not even two months ago, and she knows exactly that I’m here. Have a good day too, Sender.

Mouser · 9d

hannes, mau ngobrol sama aku gak?

Chia. 🐈‍⬛ · 3 answers · 12d

𐙚 hi.....! little reminder: that you are incredible and deserve all the love and affection! and the world is so much better with you in it ᡣ𐭩.ᐟ🐈‍⬛🫧

Mouser · 15d

Loh punya pacar?

Chia. 🐈‍⬛ · 21d

hai, hannes. ini aku chia, followback aku ya! terima kasih🌸💐🫧

Mouser · 22d

hi hannes, how’s life? aku sama kamu kurang deket, bisa dibilang ga deket malah. tapi aku mau bilang, makasii udah bertahan sampai sekarang ya? kamu hebatt! aku bangga sama apapun yang udah kamu laluin sampai saat ini. aku harap kamu baik baik aja, dan bahagia. take care urself, promise?

Hello? Whoever you’re behind this Anonymous, I want to say thank you, you’ve put a little smile on my lips when I read this, what a kinds person you’re. I hope the rainbow is always under your path. Anyway, my life has been a bit suffocating lately but now I think I feel better.

Mouser · 22d

Hans, may I offer you something? Mochi? Coffee? My heart? A whole life together?

Mouser · 22d

Hey, thank you for existing!

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