Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Mouser · 4mo

Hi, it's me again. It's been a month since I sent my messages here. I really have a crush on you. But you seem to find another person before I'm trying to get closer with you? Maybe you don't even realize if you know who I am. However, thank you. Falling in love with you helped me find myself again. I find my way to love myself, and then I can love you with my better version of myself. It's like, I get more motivated to do my activities when I thinking that I'm falling for you, you really made me smile even though you didn't do anything. I'm trying to live healthily to live longer, so that I can be longer falling for you, like what I wrote. But it seems so hard to be closer with you..

Hi, there? First of all, thank you for telling me about your feelings as an anon like this, I smiled a little when I read it because you put a lot of kind and positive words for me, so I found it cute, you perhaps noticed my reaction, aren’t you?

Right, I'm more clueless now so I can't even think who exactly you are. At first I wondered who, but now I'm not sure, everyone can hide unexpectedly. So, if you don't mind and want to take the opportunity to talk to me, I'll let you come to my DMs. (No pressure, I just want to know who you are).

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