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Anonymous Coward · 2y

hello i just re-read dog flowers because im in love with that fic so much and i just now realized how similar (only in some sense) it is with the latest 5kzcode episode. bnsng jokingly fight over hynjn or flirt with him vs hj who has his eyes set on ksm i'm crying

op,,,,,op i didn't even consider this at all while watching that ep and now i'm thinking about it. why would you say that! it's going to haunt me.

Anonymous Coward · 2y

Idk if someone's already answered this but he definitely did, I think he was doing a live and he mentioned it was something people used to call him in Australia?

someone did! but you're the first one to provide the context of 'people apparently actually used to call him that' which i'm not sure i'm equipped to deal with right now or at any point in the near future [also idk if you're the same person who normally responds to my open-ended questions anonymously, but if you are thank you + actually that is very cute and if you're not: still a thank you + this is very cute]

Anonymous Coward · 2y

i just finished reading your mnb1nchn supernatural fic and omg i loved it!!! and am currently still loving it TT I love the worldbuilding and clueless chan :3 question though: do any of the other kids besides jeongn and sengmin, (okay that actually only leaves 3/4 of the 00 line, but yeah) know or even suspect anything remotely about the supernatural?? also, sequel please with jongm1n gremlin antics bats eyelashes

Anonymous Coward · 2y

Your mnho+sengmin fic is sooo so cute, as well as MinB1n and Mnchn ARE SO ADORABLE OMG MY HEART CANT TAKE ALL THE CUTENESS

i have two modes and the two modes are:
a) gremlin
b) soft, so soft
and category b is basically where i've been living for the last while

Anonymous Coward · 2y

ur chnsvng nightmare fic is already one of my comfort fics what the fuck

i want you to know that i am also feeling the same sort of what the fuck but for different reasons just the thought of chnsvng nightmare fic serving as a comfort fic is like. a whole lot <3

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