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pebby · 6mo

hiii !!!!! just bought kuzmin's wings and there is a retelling called vanya says go which looks really interesting !! just thought you would want to know hehe <33

hi!!!! oh, now I saw the retelling. I shall read it if I can find it, it does look interesting, and I want to know how exactly they "adapted it for modern reader" and why they decided to add the fourth chapter
I hope you'll enjoy reading!!
but please do not feel shame that you mentioned it but hadn't read!!! first of all, I was just possessed by the 3am spirit. second, I feel more ashamed that I didn't know it existed before you mentioned it. and isn't it all just for fun, and I'm very happy that I can have something to discuss with you beside the growing pile of kpop boys <333

pebby · 6mo

hellloooooo !!! i wanted to send YOU a message saying happy new year !!! i hope 2024 is better than whatever 2023 held for you !! <33

T_T (these are tears of joy) thank you!!! I hope 2024 brings you good things too!!! <3333

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