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Sir Anon of Ymous · 9d

Haha, hi Twitter user Lily this is def not Lily howgoesit with no/win/sky reminder that this is def not another person by the name of Lily

Not-Lily would you kill me if I told you that I haven’t even started CH8 yet? It’s too bad this isn’t my dear mutual @longing_lily though because I might have agreed to let him see parts of the chapter before anyone else 🤷🏻‍♀️ A real shame.

Sir Anon of Ymous · 3mo

Do you know German?

Ja, aber ich kenne nur einfache Sätze. 😔✊🏻 (Feel free to laugh at me if I didn’t say that right LOL)! I would love to learn more one day though.

Sir Anon of Ymous · 3mo

are you okay? You’ve been really ia lately

Aww you’re sweet 💝 I’m alright! There are a lot of good things happening in my life right now, actually. It’s just that the bad things are also A Lot and it’s hard to care abt Twitter when they’re always at the back of my mind. But don’t worry about me!!! I’ll be back running my mouth on the tl again soon. 🫡

Sir Anon of Ymous · 5mo

what’s your favorite thing you’ve ever written?

Thing ever? Deliver Us From Ev—. I’m proud of how unsettling ppl found it haha. SKK thing, since that’s what most of you follow me for? Probably Less Like You (if you told me I’d be saying that about this fic a month ago I would have laughed at you I was SO embarrassed while writing it).

Sir Anon of Ymous · 5mo

when are you going to finish the thread? (no pressure though)

Help I’m so sorry SOON I promise!!! I keep saying I’m going to do it and then getting slammed with HW by my profs and I’m also currently bogged down working on applications to transfer into a Bachelor’s program after I get my Associates but TRUST I swear I’ll do my best to get it out in a timely manner 😭😭 Thank you for being patient God’s strongest soldier fr 🙏🏻

Sir Anon of Ymous · 5mo

what does the 2 in your name mean?

It literally means that I’m Lily #2 HAHAHA. Lily #1 is my lovely friend @longing_lily! She got to be #1 bc her Twt acc is older than mine LOL.

Sir Anon of Ymous · 5mo

are you cishet?

No, but I don’t talk about my sexuality or gender publicly. Gender especially is personal, confusing, and has been a lifelong struggle that I don’t like discussing. All you need to know is that I’m not het, and I choose to live as my AGAB so that’s how you should treat me. 💝

Sir Anon of Ymous · 5mo

Where do you come up with your titles?

Help this is a really embarrassing time for you to ask this question bc my last posted fic is a Heathers reference. 😭😭 Tbh it’s all either references or phrases I think sound pretty. Trying to think of even one fic I posted where it’s not a reference. Uhmmm OK OK The Wraith-Wrath Parabola was a Lily original. Get it get it Dazai is the wraith and Chuuya is the wrath [nobody laughs and I trudge off the stage in defeat].

Sir Anon of Ymous · 7mo

Lily, are you going to do the Christmas event for BSD?

Oh I’ve seen that one on the tl!! It sounds like a lot of fun, but I’m already shaving it really close to the deadline for finishing my fics for the other winter event (secret Santa) and I think trying to write something additional in that timeframe would probably end up with me reneging on the posting schedule for all events involved. So no, I shall not be participating. 😔✊

Sir Anon of Ymous · 9mo

😘❤️ I hope you feel better soon Lily.

I’m assuming you’re someone who follows my priv LMAO. Thank you; you’re so sweet!!! 🥹💝 I promise I’m fine haha life has just dealt me some interesting cards I sometimes have weak moments about dealing with. Really as a whole I’m a very happy person. I hope YOU’RE doing well anon!!! 💕💕

Sir Anon of Ymous · 9mo

Is there any reason you chose toxic green for your layout? 🤔

You do not know how tempted I was to just reply to this with lyrics from Toxic by Britney Spears and nothing else but that’s mean. No real reason I just enjoy that color. I was going for more of a spring green but now I see it’s a little too yellow for that haha.

Sir Anon of Ymous · 9mo

pokes I'm dying of boredom, Lily. The only way to save me is to tell me something entertaining about your WIPS

Hey bb, sure! Hmmm... in my fem!SKK AU Dazai's favorite nickname for Chuuya is Chuuchuu. She also calls her Rapunzel, dollface (mockingly), and teeny tiny tsundere.

Lemon · 9mo

as per the last rs
omg blusheat the head pats, hewwo uwu

Sir Anon of Ymous · 9mo

You ever watched black mirror? It's pretty good

I have not, but I looked it up and it seems really cool (esp. because it was inspired by The Twilight Zone; I have very fond memories associated with that show). Tbh I have the habit of watching the same five shows over and over and don't branch out often. 😔 I'm genuinely really interested in checking Black Mirror out now though so perhaps it's time to get out of my comfort zone LOL.

Lemon · 9mo

gently nibbles ur ankle. hewwo wiwy

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