Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

a fan · 2mo

Not gonna lie I kinda expected jsng to find out about everything and feel betrayed cause it's fucked up to hope to be asked out by someone you purposefully came onto to find out if they're able to cheat

hi hi!

it’s DEFINITELY not a healthy start to a relationship, and that’s a big reason why I put the “I don’t support toxic relationships” because on a lot of front this thread highlights kind of an awful start to a relationship, and like irl I would not support any of my friends getting into a relationship that began like this.

however, it’s fiction, and I think that’s part of the fun! like we can imagine that before they got together mnh was honest with jsng and they talked it out and communicated, or we can imagine that they’re just so fated and perfect for each other that to them it didn’t matter the circumstances of before. but I kind of leave that up to you! :) I like to keep my endings semi vague, so the reader has the ability to impose their own wanted endings onto the story.

other than you thinking it’s fvcked up I hope you enjoyed the read! that’s all that really matters to me :))))

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