Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

a fan · 2mo

The only queer person in that group is Felix, who is bi but still has a preference for women. The rest of them is straight and queerbaiting. Hope that clears things up

“has a preference for women” isn’t some gotcha moment… first off, did he tell you that? or are you just assuming so you still “have a chance” and also the “but still” is actually pretty offensive ngl, if anyone one bi having a preference one way or another doesn’t make them less bi, and it isn’t the gotcha moment that you think it is to speak as if he “still has a preference for women” somehow makes him being bi redeemable. being bi is great, being bi and having preferences is great and doesn’t make anyone anymore “straight”.

also people can’t queerbait. queerbaiting by definition is a marketing tool used for entertainment and fiction, the members of 5kz are real people so sorry bout that.

I wouldn’t waste my breath (well thumbs cause i’m typing) on anons like you but your language about bi people is actually super harmful and offensive! so hopefully you can take this as a moment to get educated, but since you spend your free time lurking in people’s retros and single handed fighting the fight for straight pride i’m sure you’re too busy to actually take anything in and reflect. but let’s hope this helps. :)

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