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a fan · 2mo

Have skz said anything about the protests in Korea rn? Bc itzy xdinary heroes and nmixx have all posted abt it, along with lots of other idols in 4th gen encouraging fans to protest/stay safe and buying the protestors hot drinks (loona, txt, everglow, loosemble, ateez).

hi hi, I don’t know if i’m the best person to ask this tbh. I don’t have any of their 🫧 so i’m in the dark on most things they say on there. I know I heard someone say that hynjn alluded to the protests and staying warm outside, however that also could have been taken out of context. hopefully they will say something but I also don’t know because I know жdinary heroes already got their own song censored which is WILD. i’m not sure if the censoring differs from division to division, maybe that’s why they haven’t said anything? or maybe it’s because they’re been in japan? (those aren’t excuses, I just don’t know how much they’ve been on 🫧 to begin with, because I again don’t have anyone’s 🫧) i’m personally not going to hold my breath that they’ll say anything, since they’ve never been allowed to talk politics before, but if they do I would rely on my as your source, i’ve been incredibly sporadic on here recently and with the holidays my work is getting pretty busy. wish I had more help and information for you, sorry I don’t.

super happy other id0ls are speaking out tho, it’s really really nice to see the resistance to whatever censorship they’re under, they are people before they are their career :)

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