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a fan · 1mo

respectfully, i don't think that every member needs to be included in a fic. even for a cannon fic. i think that if you are focusing on certain dynamics adding in more people can weigh down what your writing is trying to evoke. people can think all of the guys are great and interesting with out centering a piece of writing on them.

hi hi!

I think my post was maybe taken out of context, despite me trying to add it.

Do I think every fic needs every member? no. I think there are plenty of times when you can focus on specific dynamics and do it well.

however, in the case I was posting about, I was reading a 45k word au, that had every member BUT one. the main ship was mnsg, and they were the main focus of the story, the other 5 members that were mentioned could have been irrelevant, they barely affected the plot. so it would have been incredibly easy to add the last missing member into the story as a side character.

it’s not that I think EVERY member needs to be in a fic, but I think when someone puts the effort to create a side story line for other members and obviously misses one it’s glaring purposeful.

this is my opinion, and we can absolutely disagree and that’s genuinely okay, but I couldn’t focus on anything else. when all 7 of them were in a scene together, I couldn’t help but think “dang where’s __?” “dang it really feels like they’re missing someone.” “why couldn’t __ have been added?”

absolutely agree that you can focus on dynamics and not have everyone in it. i’m sorry if my post seemed to condemn doing so, I shouldn’t have made such a broad statement. but when one person is glaringly missing, and the dynamic that is being written is the group as a whole it feels purposeful and distracting and I didn’t care for it.

but we can have different opinions and that’s okay!

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